May Shin RAC is a passionate acupuncturist who graduated from the Calgary College of TCM and Acupuncture in 2018. She firmly believes in cultivating coherence between the mind, body, and soul to enhance the quality of life for her clients, a principle that is emphasized in her treatments. Her experience in acupuncture is vast, ranging from musculoskeletal pain, chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, gynecological and infertility issues, menopausal management, post-traumatic recovery, digestive disorders, fatigue, to facial rejuvenation.
Being a certified yoga instructor, May integrates yoga therapy and meditation coaching as essential components of health in her practice. She strongly believes in the benefits of body and mind awareness practices to expedite her clients' recovery. Continuously expanding her knowledge and life experiences, May is ecstatic to be joining the Balance Point team as an acupuncturist and is dedicated to providing the best TCM care for her clients. |